Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be my guest!

A couple week ago my brother in law convinced me to audition for Into the Woods at Neverland Theatre. I haven't done a show in um 6 years!! But I thought since the timing was perfect (no weddings yet) that it would be fun! So ok, I learned Into the Woods, spend hours upon hours figuring out what cut I would use for my audition etc etc. I was ready to go. So on the audition night I actually had a wedding consult in Tyngsboro at 7pm. I couldn't make it to the audition until the end (around 9pm) so I e-mail the director and let him know. He said that was fine. Long story short I arrived at the audition and noone was there! AAH I was so frustrated. When I got home there was an e-mail saying he had to leave and would let me know if they ever did that show again. WHAT?? All that prep time for nothing?

Well about a week later I got another e-mail from the director saying that despite the good talent that auditioned that night, he just didn't have enough people, and was changing the show to Beauty and the Beast! Oook... so by that time I was over my frustration and decided to audition again! Well it's a few weeks later and last night was my final audition. I have been cast as Mrs Potts! I was not cast because I went in and blew them away with how motherly and old sounding I am (ha). I instead have a long history of playing parts for 10-20yr old girls. But anyway they couldn't find a Mrs Potts and asked if I would consider reading for her if they couldn't find someone more "rotund and older sounding". The call back was last night and after a bit of coaching (and confirmation that I can indeed do a Brittish accent) they apparently decided I can pull it off :)...

So I definitely never thought going into this I'd walk out with a challenging role (I was going to be happy being part of the ensemble). Now I am just hoping I don't have to wear a giant tea pot arm. Just google image search Mrs Potts and you'll see some of the horrible costuming that's out there... eek!