Monday, December 15, 2008

Coca-Cola, the cause of obesity.

I couldn't wait to get to my blog this morning. On my way to work I was listening to 1030am (it stimulates my brain so I don't swerve due to sleepiness). They were giving random news stories and this one struck me - as pretty much the most rediculous thing I've ever heard. I went on google news to check it out and here's a little snippet of an article:

Paterson also reportedly plans to increase taxes on insurance policies, on non-diet sodas under an "obesity tax," reviving the state sales tax on clothing, and changes in funding of hospitals and health care provides that could shift more health costs on individuals and employers.

So yes obviously from the title of my blog I'm reference the non-diet soda obesity tax. You've got to be KIDDING me New York! 1st of all, clearly they are not aware of the millions of non-obese consumers who happen to enjoy regular soda over the IMHO discusting alternative. 2nd of all, have they not heard of the studies that show people who drink diet soda end up eating more because it is less fulfilling? 3rd of all, why don't you just add tax on regular sugar while you're at it... diet soda aspartame has not only been shown to mess with your overall health, but has been shown to cause cancer as well. The cost difference is said to be about 15 cents and to add about $400MIL (not sure if that was all the new taxes combined or just the soda). Really New York?

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that one up here for a few giggles. People never cease to amaze.


Kelly Sue said...

Ok, just so you know, I am currently drinking an 8oz. can of Coke. Total coincidence and very funny!!! Sheez people, how many obscure ways can you think of to make money? Obesity is caused by too many calories and too little exercise. (Or drugs like tamoxifen and lupron. ggrrr.....) How about taxing television and video games? How about making phys ed a priority in schools? How about paying living wages so people can have balance in their lives instead of working two jobs? Stupid greedy pth....

Amber Shomo said...

Aaahaha! I knew you would appreciate that blog... :)

Unknown said...

I <3 NY! NOT!!! lol