Friday, January 9, 2009

Thoughts on The Shack

If you've read the book already, this image is already dancing in your mind, bringing back all sorts of memories! No spoilers though, so don't be afraid to read this... :)

I first heard of this book while reading someone's blog comments. Didn't think much of it, until I heard someone talking about in the context of "people are sending it back to CBD (Christian Book Distributors) saying it's heresy". Well naturally, that got me curious! As I heard from more and more people about the book (mostly loving it), I decided it was a must. On my way home from Christmas in North Carolina, I picked it up in the airport. They were offering a 50% back deal if you returned it when you got to another airport, but somehow I knew I wouldn't want to give the book up after I was done.

First I'll say, I really loved the book. It wasn't at all what I was expecting (not sure what I WAS expecting). It forces you to use your imagination and think outside the box. I really enjoyed that part about it - kind of an escape from reality of sorts. I took many things from the book but what seems to have laid itself upon my heart the deepest is regarding the nature of God.

I promised I wouldn't spoil the book so I can't really go farther on that thought except to say this: my prayer style has changed. TANGENT WARNING. Suddenly it doesn't feel "right" to ask God for anything. Including everything from the mundane all the way to biggest things we cry out to God for. I feel I need to be more responsible for my own actions and personality. One of my biggest pet peeves (warranted or not) is when people say things like "well how could it be wrong, that's the way God made me". ACK! I truly believe God made us in His perfect image, and then gave us freedom to make our choices, which is where we royally screwed up. The way we ARE is a direct result of not only our choices and actions but fortunatly or unfortunatly the result of our nurturing and generations before us. How does this relate to the book, well, instead of just asking God to change me, I feel I need to ask God to help me be 100% more aware of the Holy Spirit He gave me. He has already given me my answer, the opportunity to change, and it's up to me to use it and make the effort to do so.

Read it!! :) Regardless of it's controversial nature (for the record, I did not find it very controversial. Different yes, controversial? Nah) I think each person will take something entirely different from the book. I think it will indeed be very helpful to anyone who feels the need to get a clearer picture of God. I will probably read it again at some point and definitely recommend it. Maybe later (after the novelty of it has worn a bit) I will write a post with greater detail!

What did others take from the book that have read it?

1 comment:

*Chewning Momma* said...

Hey Amber...I loved this book too!
I loved the fact that it took a "pre-conceived" notion of what things were supposed to look like to me, and made me just look totally different at God. It was awesome. It gave me a glimpse of Gods love for us in a book. I could go on. I tried to get Matt to read it, no go. He doesnt think he will like it. :)