Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh Boy!

2009 was the last time I blogged. Yikes.

New things are in the air, so, I think I'll get to writing again soon. As usual, I don't have anything profound or even beautiful to say. I'm not a writer, and I make a lot of spelling errors :-) Nonetheless - thanks for stopping by and I'll chat at ya soon!


PS: new twitter name @mamberita

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

As Winter Draws Near

More than any other autumn season I've found myself really appreciating the colors and smells of fall. Tonight i saw the most beautiful sunset on my way home from work. If I wasn't stopping at Bed Bath and Beyond to get loads of Keurig coffee, I probably would have darted home to get my camera, and then to the Willows. The Willows is the only place I know close by to get a great view of the sunset over the water.

I've been trying to scope out more portrait locations for my clients. I was stuck in a Lynch Park rut, and wanted to explore all the different parks and recreation areas on the North Shore. I've only made it to a few so far - but have plans to hit more of them as time allows. I made it to Appleton Farms in Ipswich a few weekends ago for a Trash the Dress session. That place is HUGE and though I only walked in about half a mile with my client, I could tell there was LOTS to explore. The red, orange, and yellow leaves are so gorgeous- especially when the light is hitting them just so. Ya know, "magic light", as us photographers like to call it.

Well, just picked my parents up from the airport and I lost my will to write :) That's all for now!! I LOVE THE FALL!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Every time I open my blog, I am disturbed that the post "bacon explosion" is the last item I felt worthy of blogging about. :) Well, it's been a super busy summer. I've had photo shoots pretty consistently every weekend, and when I haven't had shoots, I've had meetings with videographer Leeann to discuss our destination wedding marketing plans. I'm definitely excited about all the new possibilities. I think I'm going to be VERY busy next year between weddings and portrait sessions! And no plans to quit the day job anytime soon either. Changes to come in that area as well, but I'll know more after I meet with my boss next week.

In other news, just when I thought I couldn't cram any more vacation time into my schedule... Paul and I are going to Sedona in a couple of weeks!! We're very excited. We've been there before with my side of the family, and this time we are going with Paul's parents. They vacationed there last year, and loved it so much they purchased a time share. So lucky us, we get to take advantage of some free lodging! The weather will be beautiful and I'm looking forward to doing some hiking, relaxing, and just enjoying the outdoors! I'm sure I'll have PLENTY of pictures to share when we get back.

Well, that about does it for the superficial news in my life. Sorry for the lack of depth lately... but I usually get overwhelmed when I start thinking about anything I would want to write down!

Peace :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bacon Explosion

Apparently Paul was sent this recipe about a year ago:

He forwarded it on to some friends at work, and much to his delight, a co-worker actually made it last week. And the next morning, he brought in the leftovers! Paul was SO excited last week, he even brought some slices home with him from work.

In between last week and this, he had his cholesterol tested, and had great results.

So last night, he finds there are two slices of bacon explosion left in the fridge. Our conversation goes something like this:

Paul "Mmm, I'm going to eat the rest of the bacon explosion"
Amber "That's discusting, it's been there for a week"
Paul "I eat stuff all the time that you won't touch. Milk that you say is already BAD, etc"
Amber "Whatever, that bacon is going straight to your belly"
Paul "Try a bite, c'mon, it's cooking, it will be fine"
Amber "Not a chance, I would never eat that"
Paul "C'mooooooon" (endless)
Amber "The only bacon I'll eat or feed you is turkey bacon. "
Paul "Oh please, I just had my cholesterol tested, and it's GREAT, I can eat all of this I want".
Amber "I feed you turkey bacon so your cholesterol will STAY low"
Paul "I'll eat your disgusting turkey bacon for a thousand years if you take a bite of this"
Amber "I do not negotiate with food terrorists"

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I know, it's been FOREVER since I've blogged. But you know what - it's kinda hard to keep up with facebook, forevercandid, twitter, etc etc etc!! Check out my facebook (along with my forevercandid fanpage) to see what's up!

Quickly - shooting a wedding this Sat (woo!). Going to St Thomas for a destination wedding from July 2nd - 6th (double woo!), and senior portrait shoot the Sat after that (woo?). I'll be editing those two weddings, along with another wedding that my sister is shooting, and then the senior photos during the weekdays + the rest of July until a wedding on August 1st. It's going to be busy around here! Oh yeah, there is my actual job, and then house renovation. I'm getting tired just thinking about it all! Ciao.

Oh yeah, currently reading "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller. In to chapter 5. Maybe I can get it done this week, before the madness ensues. So far I really like it!

Oh yeah again, Kelly and Chris are moving to western PA in August, and my cousins Mary and Adam back to New York near the same time. I knew this would be a year of change (did I reference that in a blog a few months ago?), but so far I've been a little too acurate! But life is good. Paul and I are very happy. Wahoo!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

movie quote

This is completely random, but when I heard the line spoke it just hit me and I felt the need to blog it. This was me 4 years ago. It's amazing for to look back to then and see the difference between me then, and me now. It's amazing how love heals. And I know anyone who's experienced true heartbreak in their life will be able to relate to below on some level as well.

"I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade." From The Holiday (spoken by Iris played by Kate Winslet)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be my guest!

A couple week ago my brother in law convinced me to audition for Into the Woods at Neverland Theatre. I haven't done a show in um 6 years!! But I thought since the timing was perfect (no weddings yet) that it would be fun! So ok, I learned Into the Woods, spend hours upon hours figuring out what cut I would use for my audition etc etc. I was ready to go. So on the audition night I actually had a wedding consult in Tyngsboro at 7pm. I couldn't make it to the audition until the end (around 9pm) so I e-mail the director and let him know. He said that was fine. Long story short I arrived at the audition and noone was there! AAH I was so frustrated. When I got home there was an e-mail saying he had to leave and would let me know if they ever did that show again. WHAT?? All that prep time for nothing?

Well about a week later I got another e-mail from the director saying that despite the good talent that auditioned that night, he just didn't have enough people, and was changing the show to Beauty and the Beast! Oook... so by that time I was over my frustration and decided to audition again! Well it's a few weeks later and last night was my final audition. I have been cast as Mrs Potts! I was not cast because I went in and blew them away with how motherly and old sounding I am (ha). I instead have a long history of playing parts for 10-20yr old girls. But anyway they couldn't find a Mrs Potts and asked if I would consider reading for her if they couldn't find someone more "rotund and older sounding". The call back was last night and after a bit of coaching (and confirmation that I can indeed do a Brittish accent) they apparently decided I can pull it off :)...

So I definitely never thought going into this I'd walk out with a challenging role (I was going to be happy being part of the ensemble). Now I am just hoping I don't have to wear a giant tea pot arm. Just google image search Mrs Potts and you'll see some of the horrible costuming that's out there... eek!